Its new year's eve! I can sniff the pervasive merry-making spirit and the cheerfulness in the air. As I bid good-bye to the year 2007,I analyzed the whole year. It was a memorable one. I shifted to a better college, made lots of good friends and got a better result in my 1st year exam than I expected.
But the best day of the year 2007 was on 24th December, at the break of midnight to be precise, when I was awaiting Christmas. I went on to the terrace to do a countdown for Christmas. It was a full-moon day. The milky moon was smiling, crystal white, studded against a dark background of the sky, circumvented by polka-dotted twinkling stars.
Its a custom I follow every year on 24th dec 12ó clock that I write a letter to Santa Clause about my wishes addressed "To Santa Clause, Artic, North pole.” Then I set the letter aflame by the candlelight and blow the ash to be carried away by the breeze. Its my belief that fire-god acts as a messenger and couriers the letter to him.
I wished in the letter that I could talk to my best friend. It’s been several days that I spoke to him properly. And hey presto!...Santa acceded to my wishes and I was able to talk to him for 2 whole hours later that night.
The very word Christmas conjures up in my mind endearing images like those of Christmas tree festooned with golden bells and ornaments, Christmas carols, the cheerful folk, Santa Clause with goodies in his sleigh and the winter-snowfall.

I am not a Christian and I may not go to church, or kiss under the mistletoe or decorate the Christmas tree but I do enjoy Christmas Eve and the new year that follows ...which gives us a chance to rejuvenate and start our life afresh with novel hopes. The Christmas spirit is so contagious and I enjoy the merry-making regardless of my religion.
happy new year!