In the labyrinth of life we treaded together through thick and thin
But lost I was, so utterly, with just one faltered step away from you
And all the right steps taken before didn’t even matter.
Like the each railing of the track of a train, we became
Heading for the same destined end, but on parallel paths.
Can’t for miles see our ways merging, even beyond horizon.
I could sit with you for hours without saying a word
And could walk away feeling we had the best conversation
where we were comfortable in not needing to fill in gaps of silence.
Or I could sit with you for hours rambling on incoherently
Speaking about everything under the sun without mincing words
Because I know you wouldn’t judge me even if I spoke utter nonsense.
Enraged, ‘I won’t talk to you ever’ was what I said
Alas, this time you couldn’t perceive that I was talking gibberish
And that I didn't mean a word I said.
Thickest friends we were, our intimacy and friendship all assured
I hurt you inadvertently just once. Bitterness remained on,
And all the sweet moments we laughed together were all forgotten.