H: I am not feeling myself today. I feel so blue.
M: Oh dear! Pour out your heart to me. May be I’ll be of help. What’s wrong?
H: It’s him. No matter what I do, my thoughts shoot back to him. Every dawn I wake up to the morning light, the first thought that springs in my mind is his. I keep wondering what he is doing at this very moment. Eating..? Sleeping..? Laughing..? Will he be thinking of me..?
Whatever I see…
Whatever I do…
Whatever I hear…
I got me thinking of him.
M: What kind of thoughts?
H: Sweet, mushy thoughts of his. Late nights, when all the world is sleeping, I stay awake and keep thinking of him! I wish I was a star and could look down to him, sleeping cozily in his bed. I wish I was the breeze, and could swish past him and caress his silky hair.
Whenever I miss you, I just stare at the sky... I don't find you there but atleast I know we are under the same sky..!M: Hmm…you got a problem there! Luckily, I know the solution. I will say it, it may or may not be right, but if it is, you have to accept it.
H: Yeah, okay, what’s it?
M: Is it a crush?
H: No! It’s much more than a silly crush. I can fight the world for him.
I will be there for him when the world stops turning.
I will be there for him when the sun stops shining.
See me! I’m talking in rhymes. His thoughts bring out the romantic poet out of me!
M: May be it is just a phase in life. You’ll get over with it in few months.
H: No, I felt like this from quite some time. This feeling got collected from so many years and is now gushing bountifully from my heart.
M: That sounds serious. Is it love?
H: Hmmm…may be…I am not sure of this feeling. I am in such a quandary. It’s a ticklish feeling pulsating from my innate heart. Does it feel like this when someone is in love?
M: Yes, you have got all those symptoms.
H: I can’t believe it! I thought love is something, which happens only in movies and fantasies. It seems so distant and strange! Oh, what do I do now?
M: You should go and propose him.
He loves me?..He loves me not?H: I don’t have the courage. What if he doesn’t think of me that way? What if he rejected me and stopped talking to me after that cheap stance. I can’t afford losing him!
M: Then, he isn’t lucky enough to deserve your divine love. You might as well forget it all if he rejected you.
H: That shall never happen! I’ll still keep loving him even if he doesn’t love me back. He will be my man, in my fantasies. I will keep dreaming and in my dreams atleast, we’ll be together. I can lead my whole life just with his dreams. I've learnt that love is not always getting back. It is giving. Love is all about sacrifices. I don't want anything from him.
Worthy of nothing, counting the days still I wish to survive,
Hoping that one day he’ll care for me, for him I’ll strive.
M: What if he said he needs some time?
H: I’ll give him all the time in the world. I'm ready to wait all my life!
He could be far away from me for eons...I’ll still keep waiting
He could be at the other end of the universe...I’ll still keep waiting.
M: So when will you propose him?
H: Now that I am thinking about it, I don’t want to propose. This will be my little secret that I will carry to the grave. It’s better to secretly love him than be sad with a broken heart if he rejected my love.
M: I won’t advise you to do that. Be brave. Don’t waste a second to tell him what you feel. Don’t worry of the consequences. Atleast later in life you won’t retrospect and regret that it could have worked if you showed some courage.
H: Yes, you are right. I should be brave. I will propose him soon.
M: That’s a good decision. Go on now! Call up, fix a meeting and tell him you’ve fallen in love with him.
H: Oh no! I haven’t fallen in love with him. I have risen in love with him!
'M' is Mind and 'H' is Heart of a girl who is in love.