I love to read anything and everything that comes in my way.Reading novels, discourses by famous personalities and biographies has been my favourite passtime for a long time now.
There's so much content in the books to read, interpret and learn. I never get bored of the monotony in my life, if there's a book to fill in my empty time.Its like a book is my best friend.It tells me stories of someone in joy or in pain or in despair of failure or enjoying the pinnacles of success and lots more.I get involved with the character so much and every plot the character experiences becomes a part of my life for the time-being.It makes my imagination go wild and frenzy...my mind trascends all horizons and boundaries and gets carried away and adopts the personality of a new being in a different land and I armour a new life.It makes me break the monotony of my own life and forget who I am.Its my ability that I identify and relate to all the characters and get into the skin of them.My mind is very free to explore all the twists and turns.There's always an innate stimulus and backdrop for a novel's action in me that complement my reading experience thoroughly.

Right from the first page of the prologue I create a 3-dimensional screening of the sceenes and tare through the pages till the end of the book.I don't just read...I visualise and read.And my visualisation and imagination is richer that that of any famous cinematographer.I mean I imagined Harry Potter and hogwarts reading J.K Rowling's books in an outstandingly creative way that I was very much disappointed with the movie.The movie did'nt meet my expectations and could'nt compare with my visualisation.My friends felt the same way too.Books are always better.It doesn't confine your imagination.Your mind is free to wander.But with a movie you don't have much choice than to watch whatever the cinematographer has to project.
I devour books and they gratify my thirst for learning something new.You will get the knowledge to discrimate between good and bad, just and unjust by reading other people's lives.Their lives are free for us to access ...even if it is of an imaginary and fictious person.
My friends ask me if it is a painful and boring experience reading each line and turning away pages one-by-one until the fat novel is finished.I think to myself that they don't know its such a joyful way to pass freetime.They don't know what they are missing.I mean what's your life worth if you don't read those classics by world-reknown authours. They would rather sit in groups and do all the unhealthy gossiping.That is something I find very boring.I would rather be happy if you give me a book.
Here's a list of all the books I read till now and I intend to update it everytime I read another one.I hope the list hits a century soon because I just love reading them!
Sidney Sheldon --Tell me your dreams,Nothing lasts forever,Rage of angels,Morning noon or night,Memories of midnight,Master of the game,If tomorrow comes,Windmills of the god,The sands of time,The doomsday conspiracy,The stars shine down,The sky is falling ,Are you afraid of the dark? , The naked face, The stranger in the mirror,Bloodline,The other side of me.
Tilly Bagshawe- Sidney's mistress of the game, After the darkness
Erich Segal -- Love story, Doctors
Paulo Coelho --The alchemist , By the side of river Piedra I sat down and wept , Eleven minutes, Fifth mountain
J.K Rowling -- The philopherer's stone,The chamber of secrets,Prisoner of azkaban,The goblet of fire, The Half-Blood price ,The deathly hallows.
Enid Blyton -- Malory towers
Chetan Bhagat -- One night @ the call centre, Five point someone, The 3 mistakes of my life, 2 States, Revolution 2020
Kelsley Robert -- In the bride's defence
James Hardley Chase -- Make the corpse walk
Robin Cook -- Brain,Crisis,Toxin,Coma,Outbreak,Chromosome 6
Some books of Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys series and Chicken soup
Dan Brown -- Deception point,Angels and Demons
John Grisham -- The innocent man
Michael Chricton --Sphere
John Gray -- Men are from mars, women are from venus
Rosie Thomas -- Sun at midnight
Frederick Forsyth -- The afghan
Michael Connelly -- Echo park
Kavya Vishwanathan -- How Opal Mehta got kissed, got wild and got a life.
Dr. Spencer Johnson -- Who moved my cheese?
Stephen R. Covey --Choice
Rajashree -- Trust
Tushar Raheja -- Anything for you ma'am
Robin Sharma-- Monk who sole the ferrari
Shobhhaa De' -- Speedpost,Spouse, Starry nights
Brad Meltzer-- The first counsel
Margarett Mitchell --Gone with the wind
Osho-- So lost, and so at home
Sudha Murthy-- How I taught my grandmother to read and other stories, Mahashwetha, Dollar bahu
Stephanie Mayer -Twilight, New moon,Eclipse, Breaking dawn, Host
Novoneel Chakraborty- A thing beyond forever
Anirban Bose- Bombay girls, Bombay rains
L.J. Smith-The vampire diaries series-The awakening
Cecelia Ahen- P.S I Love you, Thanks for the memories
E.L James- Fifty shades of Grey
Ravinder Singh-I too had a love story
Mandar Kokate -Oh shit, not again!
Emily Bronte- Wuthering heights
Sophie Kinsella - The undomestic goddess, Can you keep a secret?, Mini shopoholic